‘Art is something that makes you breath with a different kind of happiness’

Anni Albers

Liza is a visual artist and facilitator who has worked on a a wide range of projects, including collaborative projects with schools, youth groups and multi-disciplinary exhibitions within the wider community.

With a background in Early Childhood Care and Education Liza is passionate about engaging children of all ages in the arts and understands just how important championing creativity within schools truly is. Liza is TAP+ trained and is currently a guest lecturer at the Froebel Dept. of Education at Maynooth University, Ireland, lecturing in the Visual Arts Curriculum for B Ed students.

Of her own work Liza says ‘What excites me about making pictures is trying to capture the essence of a thing and the simple joy to be found in the everyday. I have always been attracted to vivid colours, textures and the decorative qualities of ceramic ware and love to play with the shapes of the objects that inhabit my work.

Follow me on Instagram @lizakavanaghart